Detalles del evento
PROGRAMME OF EVENTS “FIRA I PORRAT DE SANT ANTONI” 2024 From Friday 19 January to Sunday 28 January. Funfair. Parking Dolores Piera. (From Monday to Friday from
Detalles del evento
From Friday 19 January to Sunday 28 January. Funfair. Parking Dolores Piera.
(From Monday to Friday from 6.00 pm, weekends open all day)
Tuesday 16
4.00 pm Brisca competition. Housewives Association of Benissa.
Wednesday 17
4.00 pm Parcheesi competition. Housewives Association of Benissa.
Thursday 18
4.00 pm Dominoes competition. Housewives Association of Benissa.
Friday 19
6.00 pm Children’s Day. Fair attractions at reduced prices (€2.50)
7:00 pm Opening of Fira i Porrat. Blessing and lighting of the bonfire and then popular chocolate party. Plaça Jaume I.
7:00 pm Snack bar. FPX24. Parking Dolores Piera.
7.00 pm Wine Tunnel. FPX24. Carp
7.00 pm La Cultural Restaurant. FPX24.
8.00 pm Opening of the “Arrels” Exhibition. GAB. Centre d’Art Taller d ‘Ivars.
10.00 pm Performance “Hijos de Isa [Children of Isa]”. FPX24. Carp
Saturday 20
09.00 am Snack bar. FPX2024. Parking Dolores Piera.
11.00 am Wine Tunnel. FPX 24. Carp
11.30 am La Cultural Restaurant. FPX24.
7.00 pm “Concert de Fira [Fair Concert]” by the Cultural Rondalla of Benissa and the Rondalla of Calp. Centre d’Art Taller d’Ivars.
7:00 pm and 10:00 pm Cinema. “El peor equipo del mundo [The worst team in the world]”. Cultural Hall.
8.00 pm Screening of the XXIV photographic rally. Benissa’s Photographic group. Cases del Batlle.
11.00 pm Performance by “DJ. Silvestre”. FPX24. Carp.
Sunday 21
09.00 am – 3.00 pm Exhibition of Historic Vehicles. La Marina Historic Vehicles Association. Plaça Jaume I.
09.00 am Snack bar. FPX2024. Parking Dolores Piera.
11.00 am Wine Tunnel. FPX 2024. Carp.
11.30 am La Cultural Restaurant. FPX2024.
12.00 am Performance by l´Esbart Dansaire. Plaça Església Vella.
12.00 am Concentration of pets and horses. Plaça del Portal.
12.30 am Cavalcade from “Plaça del Portal” to the door of the Basilica, where the blessing of the animals will take place.
1.00 pm Paella Competition. Carp. Registrations: (indicating number of diners and contact person)
4.00 pm Performance by “DJ. Pedro Sendra”. FPX24. Carp
4.45 pm Valencian ball Youth game. Municipal ratchet.
6.30 pm Match of Valencian ball. Caixabank League. Murla Town Council Team; Giner and Nacho vs Benissa Town Council Team; Francés, Hilari and Carlos. Municipal Trinquete
6:00 pm and 9:00 pm Cinema. “El peor equipo del mundo” [The worst team in the world]. Cultural Hall.
Tuesday 23
4.00 pm Final brisca competition. Housewives Association of Benissa.
Wednesday 24
4.00 pm Final Parcheesi competition. Housewives Association of Benissa.
Thursday 25
4.00 pm Final dominoes competition and then awards ceremony and snack. Housewives Association of Benissa.
8.00 pm Video projection and exhibition “30 Anys d’activitats ABAI [30 Years of ABAI activities]”. Cases de Batlle.
Friday 26
7.00 pm Snack bar. FPX24. Parking Dolores Piera.
7.00 pm La Cultural Restaurant. FPX24.
7.30 pm Opening ceremony of the Medieval Market. Plaça Portal.
8.00 pm Breed bird exhibition. AVIBEN. Carp
8.30 pm “Concert de Fira [Fair Concert]” by the Sociedad Lírica i Musical de Benissa. Centre d’Art Taller d’Ivars.
Saturday 27
08.00 am XXXVI Exhibition of horses, tacks and carriages Associació de Carreters i Cavallistes de Benissa [Benissa Roadsmen and Horsemen’s Association]. C/ Palmera and C/ Fray Humilde Soria.
09.00 am Snack bar. FPX24. Parking Dolores Piera.
10.00 am Breed bird exhibition. AVIBEN. Carp.
10.00 am Medieval market and itinerant shows.
10.00 am Information table and sale of sweets. ABAI. Plaça Jaume I
11.30 am La Cultural Restaurant. FPX24.
4.00 am Exhibition of vehicles and machinery. C/ Nou, C/ Vicent Buigues and Plaça Jaume I.
5.00 pm and 7.15 pm Cinema “Migración, un viaje patas arriba [Migration, a topsy-turvy journey]”. Cultural Hall.
7.00 pm Presentation and talk “El cavallo de tir i arrossegament valencià [The Valencian draft and drag hors]”. Cases del Batlle. By: Juan Manuel Lomillos, Jordi López, Marta Elena Alonso, Jesús Máñez.
7.30 pm Meeting of Choirs. Coral Benissenca and Coral Polifónica “Juan i Ginés Pérez” of the Associació d’Amics de la Música de Callosa d’Ensarrià [Association of Friends of Music of Callosa d ‘Essarrià]. Centre d’Art Taller d’Ivars.
Sunday 28
08.00 am XXXVI Exhibition of horses, tacks and carriages Associació de Carreters i Cavallistes de Benissa [Benissa Roadsmen and Horsemen’s Association]. C/ Palmera and Fray Humilde.
08.30 am – 2.30 pm Exhibition of Historic Vehicles. La Marina Historic Vehicles Association. Av. l’Alcúdia and C/ Teulada.
09.00 am Bake sale stall. Manos Unidas [United Hands] Plaça Jaume I.
09.00 am Snack bar. FPX24. Parking Dolores Piera.
09.00 am XXXIV Absolute Open Chess “Vicent El Pinzeller”. Benissa Chess Club. Centre d’Art Taller d ‘Ivars.
10:00 am – 1:00 pm Traditional philatelic market and Collectors’s Meeting. Agrupació Filatèlica i Numismàtica [Philatelic and Numismatic Grouping] C/ Francisco Sendra, 2.
10.00 am All-Terrain Vehicles Meeting “In memoriam Carlos Jiménez Garín”. Circuit next to the “Centre de’Excel.lència”.
10.00 am XX Breed bird exhibition. AVIBEN. Carp.
10.00 am Exhibition of vehicles and machinery. C/ Nou, C/ Vicent B
10.00 am Information table AACC. Plaça Jaume I.
10.00 am Medieval market and itinerant shows.
11.30 am La Cultural Restaurant. FPX24.
5.00 pm and 7.15 pm Cinema “Migración, un viaje patas arriba [Migration, a topsy-turvy journey]”. Cultural Hall.
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